What is Crown Lengthening?
การผ่าตัดเพิ่มความยาวตัวฟัน สำหรับผู้ที่มีโครงสร้างฟันไม่เพียงพอต่อการใส่ครอบฟัน การผ่าตัดเพิ่มความยาวฟัน จะมีการผ่าเหงือกและผ่าตัดกระดูก เพื่อเพิ่มพื้นที่ฟันบริเวณเหงือกด้านบน
Do you have a gummy smile? Are you unhappy with the way your teeth look when you smile? Then this could be the treatment option for you. However, you will need a full consultation with one of our SmileBox Doctors so that they can evaluate your smile to see if this is the right treatment for you.
You can experience some bleeding at the surgical site(s) after the procedure. You may also experience sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures. The sensitivity should ease with time. However, if you are concerned about your healing, make sure you call our clinic so we can offer you advice tailored to you individually.
No, the procedure is done using local anaesthetic. Therefore, you shouldn’t feel a thing!
This varies on the complexity of the case and the number of teeth that are being treated. Crown Lengthening can usually be done in one visit, if you are having Dental Crowns this takes multiple appointments at the clinic.
Prices for Crown Lengthening start at …….-check price
Prices for Crown Lengthening start at …….-check price
Not sure about Crown Lengthening? Here are some other treatment options that may be suitable for you:
● Invisalign
● Gum Recontouring
● Dental Implants
● Dental Crowns