At SmileBox we are proud to be a trusted and respected provider of dental care in Bangkok.


Our commitment to providing high-quality, patient-centered care has earned us the trust of not only our patients but also a number of corporate partners.

We have established partnerships with some of the leading companies in the area, these partnerships are a testament to the level of trust and confidence that our partners have in the care and services we provide.

Our team of dental professionals is dedicated to providing the highest level of care, and we are committed to staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in dental technology and techniques.

We believe that this combination of expertise and innovation is what sets us apart and makes us the trusted choice for so many corporate partners.



We strive to make your treatment abroad as stress-free as possible.

We are proud to partner with several reputable hotels in the area to offer you exclusive discounts on accommodation during your dental treatment abroad.

Our clinic understands that travelling for dental care can be an exciting but also challenging experience, especially when it comes to finding quality and affordable accommodations. That’s why we have teamed up with hotels that meet our standards of comfort, convenience, and safety, and that are conveniently located near our clinic.

You can now enjoy a comfortable stay at a discounted rate while receiving top-quality dental care from our experienced team. These partnerships reflect our commitment to providing you with comprehensive, personalised care that addresses all your needs and concerns.

We take pride in being a trusted and respected dental care provider.

Our unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional patient-centered care has earned us the trust not only of our patients but also of various corporate partners in the industry. We are pleased to be the preferred dental care provider for their employees, which speaks to the high level of trust and confidence they have in our care and services.

Our team of dental professionals is dedicated to delivering the highest level of care, and we constantly strive to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in dental technology and techniques. We believe that this blend of expertise and innovation sets us apart and makes us the trusted choice for numerous corporate partners.

We understand that dental care can be costly, and we want to ensure that you have access to the care you need without financial barriers. 

We are pleased to partner with several banks and finance companies in the area to provide our patients with multiple financing options for their dental treatment. 

By collaborating with reputable financial institutions, we can offer you a variety of flexible payment plans and loans with competitive interest rates and convenient repayment terms. 

Our team is dedicated to helping you find the financing option that best suits your needs and budget, so you can receive the dental care you deserve without compromise. 

This partnership reflects our commitment to delivering comprehensive, accessible, and patient-centred care to all our patients.

We believe that good oral health starts with education.

That’s why we are committed to not only providing top-quality dental care to children but also educating their parents about the importance of good oral hygiene.

As partners with a number of international schools in the area, we have the opportunity to educate parents and children about the best practices for keeping their children’s teeth and gums healthy. Our team of dental professionals is always available to answer questions and provide advice on a range of oral care topics, from brushing and flossing to nutrition and oral health products.

We understand that parents play a critical role in helping their children establish good oral health habits, which is why we are dedicated to providing the resources and support that parents need to make informed decisions about their children’s oral care.

We are committed to supporting students and schools by providing valuable education and internship opportunities. We host health talks, led by our top dentists for students, parents, and alumni to educate them on the importance of oral health and provide them with the tools and resources they need to maintain good oral hygiene.

We also offer internship programs for students who are interested in learning more about the dental and health industry and marketing. As the number 1 trending dental clinic on TikTok Thailand today, we are proud to share our knowledge and expertise with the next generation of students who wants to become dental professionals and entrepreneurs.

By collaborating with reputable medical insurance providers, we offer you the opportunity to submit their treatment costs for reimbursement.

We are delighted to partner with various medical insurance companies to provide you with the option to claim your dental treatment costs back.

We understand that dental care can be a significant expense, and we want to ensure that you can access the care you need without worrying about the financial burden.

Our team is dedicated to providing you with the necessary documentation and support to help facilitate the insurance claims process.

These partnerships reflect our commitment to delivering comprehensive, accessible, and patient-centred care that prioritises your health and well-being above all else.

Are you interested in a partnership with SmileBox? Contact us today to discuss business oppportunities

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スマイルボックスでは、バンコクで信頼され尊敬される歯科医療 プロバイダーであることを誇りに思っています


私たちは、この分野の大手企業のいくつかとパートナーシップを確立しています。これらのパートナーシップは、私たちが提供するケアとサービスに対して パートナーが抱いている信頼のレベルの証です。







当クリニックは、歯科治療のための旅行は、特に質の高い手頃な宿泊施設を見つけることに関しては、刺激的であると同時に困難な経験でもあることを理解しています。 そのため、私たちは快適さ、利便性、安全性の基準を満たし、クリニックに近い便利な場所にあるホテルに連絡しました。

経験豊富なチームによる最高品質の歯科治療を受けながら、割引料金で快適な滞在をお楽しみいただけます。 これらのパートナーシップは、お客様のあらゆるニーズや懸念事項に対応する、総合的で個別化されたケアを提供するという私たちの取り組みを反映しています。


優れた患者中心のケアを提供するという当社の揺るぎない取り組みにより、患者だけでなく業界のさまざまな企業パートナーからも信頼を得ています。 当クリニックでは従業員にとって好ましい歯科医療提供者であることを嬉しく思います。これは従業員が当クリニックのケアとサービスに対して高いレベルの信頼と自信を持っていることを物語っています。

私たちの歯科専門家チームは最高レベルの治療を提供することに専念しており、歯科技術と技術の最新の進歩を常に最新の状態に保つよう努めています。 この専門知識とイノベーションの融合が当社を際立たせ、多くの企業パートナーにとって当社が信頼できる選択肢となると信じています。




私たちのチームは、お客様が妥協することなく適切な歯科治療を受けられるよう、 お客様のニーズと予算に最適な資金調達オプションを見つけるお手伝いをすることに専念しています。




この地域の多くのインターナショナル スクールと提携しているため、私たちは親や子供たちに子供の歯と歯茎の健康を保つためのベスト プラクティスについて教育する機会があります。 私たちの歯科専門家チームがいつでも質問に答え、ブラッシングやフロスから栄養や口腔衛生製品に至るまで、口腔ケアのさまざまなトピックに関するアドバイスを提供します。


私たちは、貴重な教育とインターンシップの機会を提供することで、学生と学校をサポートすることに尽力しています。 私たちは、学生、保護者、卒業生を対象に、トップ歯科医師による健康トークを開催し、口腔の健康の重要性を教育し、良好な口腔衛生を維持するために必要なツールとリソースを提供します。

また、歯科および医療業界とマーケティングについて詳しく学びたい学生向けにインターンシップ プログラムも提供しています。 現在、TikTok タイランドでトレンドナンバー 1 の歯科医院として、私たちは歯科専門家や起業家になりたい次世代の学生たちに知識と専門知識を共有できることを誇りに思っています。.





これらのパートナーシップは、皆様の健康と幸福を何よりも優先して、総合的で  アクセスしやすい患者中心のケアを提供するという私たちの取り組みを反映して   います。

