All-on-4 歯科治療は、たった 4 本の歯科インプラントで欠損歯のアーチ全体を置き換えるように設計された特殊な歯科インプラント処置です。 この手順では、4 本の歯科インプラントを特定の角度で顎の骨に配置し、カスタムメイドのブリッジまたは義歯のための安全な基盤を提供します。
この処置は通常、局所麻酔で行われ、1 日で完了するため、複数回の予約の煩わしさを避けたい場合に人気の選択肢となっています。
All-on-4 歯科治療は、たった 4 本の歯科インプラントで欠損歯のアーチ全体を置き換えるように設計された特殊な歯科インプラント処置です。 この手順では、4 本の歯科インプラントを特定の角度で顎の骨に配置し、カスタムメイドのブリッジまたは義歯のための安全な基盤を提供します。
この処置は通常、局所麻酔で行われ、1 日で完了するため、複数回の予約の煩わしさを避けたい場合に人気の選択肢となっています。
The All-on-4 treatment offers many advantages over traditional dental implant procedures, including:
1. Fewer Implants: All-on-4 requires only four dental implants, compared to traditional implant procedures that require up to eight or more implants. This makes the procedure less invasive and more cost-effective.
2. Improved Stability: The angled placement of the implants in the All-on-4 procedure maximises contact between the implant and the jawbone, providing superior stability and strength.
3. Immediate Results: Patients can receive their final bridge or denture on the same day as the implant procedure, which means they can leave the dental office with a fully restored smile.
4. Reduced Healing Time: The All-on-4 procedure requires less healing time than traditional implant procedures, as the angled placement of the implants reduces the need for bone grafting, which is a time-consuming and invasive procedure
5. Increased Comfort: With All-on-4, patients experience less discomfort and fewer complications than with traditional implant procedures, as the procedure is less invasive and requires fewer implants.
However, like any dental procedure, the All-on-4 treatment also has some potential drawbacks to consider, such as:
1. Cost: The All-on-4 procedure can be more expensive than traditional dentures, although it is often less expensive than traditional implant procedures.
2. Not Suitable for Everyone: Not everyone is a good candidate for All-on-4, as the procedure requires a healthy jawbone and good oral hygiene habits.
3. Maintenance: Patients must maintain good oral hygiene and schedule regular dental appointments to ensure the longevity of the All-on-4 treatment.
4. Potential Complications: Like any dental procedure, All-on-4 can have potential complications, such as implant failure or infection.