
We offer a MOOV Express consultation package at SmileBox Dental Clinic. This consultation is done face-to-face in one of our modern Clinics.

This consultation takes up to 30 minutes, therefore ideal if you have a busy day planned, you can be in and out of the clinic with all the information you require before you know it!


Before you arrive at your appointment

Prior to your ECP appointment, you will be contacted by one of our SmileExperts, you will be asked to send photos of your teeth. We will send you example photos to follow. 

You will also be asked to send any relevant supporting information to us, such as previous dental or health records.

Your photos and information that you send to us will be assessed by one of our Doctors prior to your appointment, this is to determine the most suitable treatment options available to you and the costs, this is so they can be discussed with you at your appointment.

Consultation Cost & Fees

The consultation itself is FREE. However, there is a ฿300 instrument sterilisation fee.

At your Consultation, you will receive:

Examination and Oral Health Assessment

This is a full dental examination and oral tissue examination where the Doctor will look for any dental problems that may require further treatment such as restorations, extractions, or root canal treatment. You will also receive a Scale and Polish to remove any calculus, plaque, and staining.

The alignment of your teeth will also be examined. This is where the Doctor will look at how you bite together, the anatomy of your bone structure and teeth, and whether you have any crowding, spacing, a crossbite, or any other orthodontic problems.

スマイルボックスデンタルクリニックではMOOV エキスプレスコンサルテーションパッケージを
提供しています。 この相談は、当社の最新のクリニックで​​行われます。
この診察には最大 30 分かかります。そのため、忙しい一日を計画している場合に最適です。クリニックに出入りしても、気づいた前に必要な情報をすべて得ることができます。



ECP の予約の前に、スマイルエキスパート から一人ずつように連絡があり、




相談は無料です。 ただし、器具の滅菌料金として300バーツがかかります。



これは完全な歯科検査と口腔組織検査であり、医師は修復、抜歯、根管治療などのさらなる治療が必要となる可能性のある歯の問題を調べます。 歯石、歯垢、着色を除去するためのスケーリングルとポリッシングもお届けします。

歯並びも検査します。 ここで医師は、噛み合わせの方法、骨構造と歯の構造、叢生、間隔、交叉咬合、またはその他の歯科矯正の問題がないかどうかを調べます。

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