
5 Myths about Braces

We believe that many people who are undergoing orthodontics treatment have a lot of questions about braces, and sometimes can lead to misconceptions that you might have taken from someone that’s not a dentist! So we’ve compiled a list of questions that people often misunderstand about oral care during orthodontics. 

1. Can I do teeth scaling while having braces?

Yes, you can. Because while we are having braces, the plaque will accumulate not just on the teeth, but also around the metal and wire. If you leave those plaque to accumulate over a long time, it can cause gingivitis (gum infection), gum recession, loose teeth, and tooth decay. Most importantly, if we do not scrape off the tartar or plaque, it can cause our teeth to move into position slower as well.

2. Why do I need to adjust the tool every month? Can it be every 3 months?

If you have metal braces, the tool needs to be adjusted every month. This is because your dentist needs to know if everything is going according to your treatment plan such as: Are your teeth moving? Do you have toothache, loose metal, or have tooth decay? Most importantly, your orthodontist needs to regularly adjust your braces so that they can continue to place the correct pressure on your teeth. Your elastics need to be changed every month, and your wires may need to be replaced, adjusted or tightened.

3. Do we still need to wear retainers after removing braces?

Yes, the reason why we have to wear retainers even after we’re done with our braces is to keep the teeth in place. If we don’t wear retainers, our teeth will tend to move back to their original position. Because of this reason, some people have to come back to get braces again. If you don’t want to waste your money on braces for the second time, our orthodontists recommend wearing retainers for life.

4. Should I have braces done before Rhinoplasty (nose surgery)? Or after?

Our dentist recommends orthodontics first, because orthodontics alone can change the shape of your face. With protruding teeth, protruding chin, and protruding mouth, your orthodontic plan may involve surgery which might change your face shape as well. When the teeth, chin, and mouth are protruding less from having braces, your nose will stand out more as well. After orthodontic treatment is completely done, rhinoplasty may not be needed any longer.

5. Why do my teeth turn more yellow with braces? Can I do teeth whitening?

You should not whiten your teeth during braces, because the teeth whitening device and solution can only be applied around the teeth’s position (around the steel), but the area of ​​the teeth where the metal is directly pasted on, might not be reached. You will not know for sure if the bleach is completely absorbed in all areas or not. Therefore our dentists do not recommend bleaching your teeth during orthodontic treatment because there is a chance that your teeth will have two colors after removing the tool.

If you would like to talk to us about your problems concerning braces and orthodontics, please contact us at contact@smileboxclinic.com and our staff will get back to you as soon as possible, or simply call us at +66 94-975-9666.

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